Dr. Frischwasser Deuch Salomon


Preparación Académica

  • Medical Doctor Dec/1975 University of Costa Rica
  • Cardiologist Dec/1980 University of Costa Rica
  • Fellowship in Cardiology Dec/1982 Baylor College Houston Texas

Participación en Sociedades Médicas:

  • Asociación Costarricense Cardiovascular
  • Asociación Costarricense de Arteriosclerosis
  • CLACC. Consejo latinoamericano para el cuidado cardiovascular
  • Asesor latinoamericano para las sociedades de Ecocardiografía.


  • Miércoles: 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Experiencia Profesional

  • 1985-2019 Attending Physician in Cardiology And Director of Echocardiography Laboratory
    San Juan de Dios Hospital, Costa Rica
  • 2000-2022 Attending Physician in Cardiology And Honorary Doctor of the Cima Hospital Medical Staff Hospital CIMA San José, Costa Rica
  • 1988-1989 Past president of The Costarrican Society of Cardiology Costarrican Society of Cardiology
  • 1986-2005 Chief of The Echocardiography Laboratory of San Juan de Dios Hospital San Juan de Dios Hospital, Costa Rica
  • 1990-2005 Member of Pharmacotherapy Committee of Social Security System in Costa Rica Pharmacotherapy Committee, Costa Rica

Breve resumen de la experiencia relevante en investigación clínica:

  • Principal Investigator in Losartan Trial in failure Heart. MSD Laboratory.
  • Rol of the Echocardiografy in the valvular heart surgery without previous cath.
  • Rol of the TEE Echo in the Diagnosis of Acute Aortic Aneurism.
  • Cardiologist in a multicenter double  blind, placebo controlled study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Protocol 035 MK-0431 to patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus who have inadequate glycemic control on glimepiride alone or in combination with metformin.
  • Postmenopausal Evaluation and Risks reduction with Lasofoxifene. Cardiologist. 2002-2007.
  • A two- years study to asses the safety, tolerability and efficacy of MK-0364 in obese patients. Cardiologist. 2006-2008.
  • A multicenter , randomized, double blind study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Protocol 064 MK 0431 as the initial therapy with coadministration of sitagliptine and pioglitazone in patients type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Cardiologist 2007-2008.
  • Cardiologist in protocol 007 MK0941 Merck Sharp and Dohme. 2009-2014
  • Principal Investigator in in protocol CSPA100A2307. Novartis. 2009 -2014